That thing we must abide by to be functional humans in this modern world
That thing that seems to slip through our fingers far too easily
That thing that on one hands provides comfort through structure and on the other creates frustration through it’s ever presence
When you become a mother, your relationship with time, just like everything else, shifts. You need to keep track of it and it seems to run your life… diapers, naps, feedings, appointments, cleaning, work…
How can you possibly have time to do what you want to do?
Become a Time Bender…
Step 1
Stop telling yourself you don’t have time.
As soon as you tell yourself you don’t have enough time, you don’t! Try instead to catch yourself saying that and instead say something like “I can find the time”
Step 2
Start viewing yourself as naturally creative and resourceful and remind yourself daily!
When you believe this, to your core, nothing is impossible. Creativity and resourcefulness are women’s super power. When used optimally, you will begin to look at things from a different lens and it is from here that you begin to bend time.
Step 3
Stop living by the clock!
I stopped wearing a wrist watch over a year ago and it was the best move I ever made in evolving my relationship with time. By not living by my watch, which is a habit I developed as an OT constantly timing my sessions with clients to the minute for the $(*%) insurance companies, I created a feeling of spaciousness. When you feel more spacious, you function from a place of freedom and calm which helps you make smarter choices with your time, making everything come together with more ease. It was the nudge I needed to stop trying to pound a square peg in a round hole. If your time obsessed, I highly recommend laying the wrist watch down- even if only for a few day trial.
Step 4
AM and PM check ins
I guarantee if you spend a few minutes at the beginning and end of the day mindfully setting intentions and realistic goals, time will be more on your side. Here’s an example… instead of following your never ending to do list, how about choosing 1-2 things you are confident you can accomplish that day. If you achieve those 2 task- Win for the day!! If you get to more than those 2- Win-Win for the day!
There’s countless days to do check ins, it’s the doing of them that begins to nudge the time needle in your favor.
Step 5
Start trying it out and building proof
This is a combination of everything above… you gotta start believing and then acting as if your a time bender and slowly, but surely you will become one! Or at the very least you will evolve into a healthier relationship with time.
Don’t believe me… test a few of these tips out for a week… what do you have to lose?