Common things are common, yes…
But that doesn’t mean they are “normal”, healthy or supportive of our true goals and desires.
Here are what I believe are the top normalized symptoms and behaviors I see in mom’s I work with and know…
1. Leaking when you run, jump, sneeze or cough
This is SO common, but never normal. Stop enduring, dealing, and bandaid-ing today…
book yourself an appointment with a pelvic floor therapist HERE
2. Painful Periods
You’ve been fooled… period symptoms are not par for the course, but rather a sign that something isn’t quite right with your cycle. Learning holistic ways of balancing your cycle could be just what the doctor never ordered, while synthetic hormones are simply another bandaid.
3. Sleep Deprivation
Sleep is the most challenged natural function in motherhood. We can go years with disrupted sleep patterns, so much so that we begin to think it’s our “new” normal. It’s not. All adults require 6-8 hours of sleep a night… yes, even you!
4. Retiring from previously enjoyed hobbies
Motherhood consumes our life… from our sleep to our favorite activities. Letting go of and retiring from previously enjoyed activities is often something light heartedly shared over text or brunch, but when we dismiss our personally valued activities in motherhood, we are doing more than simply retiring… we are losing connection to our true selves.
Yes, what we value and focus on shifts but that doesn’t mean we need to also let go of things that bring us joy, peace and comfort.
5. Do it all mentality
The quote “I am woman, hear me roar” comes to mind here. We become mothers and suddenly decide we are superheroes who can do it all! Until we crash and burn or become numb to it all. No one can do it all. Somethings gotta give and when it does are you choosing what gives or letting fate decide?
Do you relate to a few of these?
Kinda shocking to learn that painful periods isn’t normal, right?
Guilty as charged for your do it all mentality? Me Too!!
I’ve experienced (and still do from time to time) ALL of these, I also mentor women through overcoming each and everyone of these things and it’s been life changing for every woman I’ve worked with!
It’s called Soul-Aligned Motherhood and it’s a 12-week mentorship program where you find your path back to YOU in the midst of modern motherhood chaos. Modern motherhood is exhausting to navigate and keeping yourself at the top of the list can seem like an impossible task. This is where I have your back…
We weave our way through my RISE model of motherhood…
Until you find yourself within motherhood, find your inner knowing, your guidance system that will never set you astray.
Imagine returning to your soul-aligned self… the woman who is confident, intuitive, powerful, knows her worth, speaks her mind, lives her truth, nurtures herself as much as others, and feels the joy of life surrounding her every day!
This is Soul-Aligned Motherhood and it’s within reach! Let’s connect today over a complimentary coaching call!
With so much love,
CLICK HERE to pop into my schedule!