Little Successes Breed Bigger Ones


Ever get in that mode where everyday feels like a battle… like your pulling teeth to get anything accomplished? It’s exhausting, right? 

Then you have those weeks, where things just seem to fall together effortlessly and the stars just keep aligning?! It’s pure magic, right? 

I feel like we, as moms, often get stuck in the exhaustion weeks. It’s during these weeks when we need to double down on our self-care… using a broad array of self-care activities. By giving ourselves time, we shift the energy of the week, I promise!  

I know the last thing on your mind during challenging weeks is self-care but this is where we go all awry! Self-care is not for times when we can relax, sit back, indulge and enjoy… self-care is about maintaining our health. 

I use a broad perspective for viewing my self-care. In fact there are 8 types of self-care that I outline in detail in my Elevated Motherhood Workbook, available for download HERE. By adopting this fresh perspective on self-care it begins to happen with more regularity and that is what a solid self-care practice is all about! 

Let’s get back to that exhausting week example. Instead of unrealistically trying to find time (we can’t find time, we can only create it) to get a massage for your aching back, laying down for 15-minutes to listen to a guided meditation while you lay on a hot pack… could give you a similar result and is quicker and more convenient. So instead of waiting for a day when you can get that massage and just “powering” through the week, you have now given yourself some much needed “rejuvenation” time. And that is a huge WIN! 

Try waking up each day and asking yourself, what is 1 thing I could do today to nurture myself today? 

Using the 8 types of self-care as a guide to give you a broad spectrum of ideas is great when you’re feeling stagnant or need to mix it up a little bit. The goal is to begin getting those self-care wins, because once you have a small success you will be more motivated to have that feeling again. When you keep showing up for yourself, those exhausting weeks begin to feel less exhausting or possibly even less frequent! 


Little successes breed bigger ones

Little successes motivate you to show up more

Showing up more for yourself, brings more and more wins and before you know it, you’re feeling like a new and improved version of yourself! 


If you are feeling exhausted, frustrated, overwhelmed, and depleted by your days and self-care is something you can never find time for… I invite you to refresh your perspective on self-care and welcome in a new phase of motherhood… one where you begin nurturing yourself more consistently and start reaping the benefits of being a nurtured mother! 

Download Elevated Motherhood for FREE-  HERE


In Health, 



About Me

Aloha! I’m Hilary.
I founded my own business to support women more effectively as a coach and doula. At Mama Wellness Weekly and HV – Holistic Health, I use my expertise to empower women on their wellness journeys. Thanks for stopping by!


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A workbook for crafting your tailored self-care practice to nurture your body, mind & soul.

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