This one tip has changed the posture of countless clients in less than 5 seconds.
I always assess the standing posture of clients. A common postural correction I see in postpartum is too much weight on the forefoot (toward the toes versus heels). When I see this I will ask the client:
“Move your weight into your heels”
When you are pregnant, where is your weight? Forward, in your belly. So over the weeks of pregnancy, without intentionally preventing this, your weight will naturally shift into your mid and forefoot. This causes a whole chain of events to occur from your feet up and everything gets knocked out of whack. The big problem area becomes the spine, where everything else attaches. So as you can imagine, this can drive a whole chain of events.
To help fend off this chain of events, try this simple postural hack…
- Take a moment to stand up and simply observe, without fixing, where most of the weight is in your feet. Is it in your heels? Midfoot? Toes?
- Stand with “good” posture and observe where your weight is in your feet
- Then wiggle out of your good posture and move into your common posture, now where is the weight in your feet?
- If the weight is not primarily in your heel, try shifting your weight back into your heels by moving your weight without changing your posture. This is more of a weight shift.
- Do not allow your toes to float up, if they do you have shifted too far! Your weight should be heaviest through your heel but also transferring down through your entire foot. I often recommend pushing your big toe into the floor if your toes want to float up.
Give it a go and tell me how it goes?
Notice any changes? Reduced pressure anywhere? Feel taller?
In Health,
PS: Looking for more quick fixes like this? Then you absolutely will love Pelvic Health Essentials… coming back this Fall 2024 for the first time in 3 years! Join the waitlist today by clicking HERE!