Pubic Pain in Pregnancy


This morning I received a message from a client in her 3rd trimester… 

“I’ve been getting a lot of discomfort in the pubic symphysis area especially when I sit for too long. I’ve been trying to be better about limiting my sitting to 40 minutes and then moving around. But sometimes it hurts to switch from left to right in bed and to walk.” 

This client has described a very common 2nd and 3rd trimester problem that is known as SPD or Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction. Statistics say that 1 in 300 pregnancies result in diagnosed SPD, but some experts believe up to 25% of pregnant women experience SPD. I wholeheartedly agree with those experts!! 

SPD is super common in my practice although not frequently that serious in terms of long term effects. SPD is, however, seriously uncomfortable and disruptive to the woman’s daily activities. 

What is happening?

Your symphysis pubis is the joint where your left and right pelvis connect in the front, under the fat pad known as the mons pubis. During pregnancy this joint is impacted by the hormone relaxin. This causes instability in the joint which can cause pain. Pain is typically a signal that there is an imbalance in the forces of the pelvis. This can be improved with pelvic floor therapy through use of hand on techniques and specific movements/exercises. 

What can you do?

-Sleep with pillow between knees

-When rolling in bed, keep knees together- don’t open one up then the other

-Sit on your sit bones, no slouching! You will likely have more comfort with your knees wide and increased pain when crossing legs

-Limit stairs if possible. When doing stairs, try sidestepping up the stairs instead of forward walking. Alternate sides if doing several flights.

-Sit on the seat of your car, then pivot to bring feet in the car instead of stepping into your car with one foot first

-Limit lunge positions or make the lunge very small

-Do this pelvic stabilization exercise daily (up to 3-5x is great!) CLICK HERE

Lastly,I highly recommend working with a pelvic floor therapist or chiropractor trained in perinatal techniques in your area. 

In Health,


PS- Not sure who to contact in your area? I conduct free consults and virtual visits. Schedule your free consult HERE 


About Me

Aloha! I’m Hilary.
I founded my own business to support women more effectively as a coach and doula. At Mama Wellness Weekly and HV – Holistic Health, I use my expertise to empower women on their wellness journeys. Thanks for stopping by!


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