Stress in Pregnancy


We have all heard that being calm and having a peaceful pregnancy is the best thing for your growing baby. I remember my husband saying his number one goal during my pregnancies was to keep me as stress free as possible. I loved hearing this but in reality, stress is everywhere. We all experience stressful situations on an almost daily and certainly weekly basis, whether we are pregnant or not. 

The idea that stress can magically be mitigated is kind of ridiculous, especially when you are now going through one of the most intense and unfamiliar experiences of your life. So let me offer a differing perspective on stress in pregnancy…

Pregnancy is an opportunity to shift our ways of handling stress. Perhaps, this stressful situation is an opportunity for your baby to experience and witness how you handle it and can use what she observes to better navigate a similar experience later on in her life. 

Adopting a monkey see/monkey do attitude is so powerful. How would you like your little monkey to see you respond to your situation? When a mother can anchor to her inner locus of control and focus on what she can impact and a path forward; the energetics of her efforts trickle down to her baby. Your baby receives those vibrations and that experience will stay with her forever. 

A little food for thought…

How do you shift from stress to a growth mindset? Afterall, within every challenge is the opportunity for growth. 

In Health, 



About Me

Aloha! I’m Hilary.
I founded my own business to support women more effectively as a coach and doula. At Mama Wellness Weekly and HV – Holistic Health, I use my expertise to empower women on their wellness journeys. Thanks for stopping by!


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