I recently released my Soul-Aligned Motherhood private coaching container ( DOORS OPEN NOW). At the core of this program is my R.I.S.E model and over the next week I will be diving into the 4 elements of R.I.S.E.
About 6 months ago, after years of doing in depth mind-body-spirit work on myself and expanding what I was learning into my work with moms, R.I.S.E came to me! I was having one of my deep brainstorming sessions and writing down what I felt were the key components to coming back to myself after a few exceptionally challenging years. What started showing up over and over again were these 4 themes…
-Reconnecting to my body in a deeper, more loving way than ever before
-Finding flexibility and flow in my routines and embracing it
-Having activities in my life that refresh my soul
-Having “work” that makes me feel like I’m contributing to the greater good
Put those 4 themes together and you get R.I.S.E!!
Restore – I. Ignite – S. Support – E. Expand!
First, let’s dive into my RESTORE story…
After my first baby, my body did exactly what it was supposed to. I gave it time to heal, patience, and consistency in working out and devoting time to caring for myself. Then came postpartum #2 and things didn’t go as planned. I was potty training my 2 year old, wearing my infant a lot (back to this detail soon), and, like I love to say, running around like a chicken with my head cut off!
In retrospect, it all came down to not prioritizing myself and instead going full on into super-mom mode. I was wholeheartedly committed to making round 2 be just like round 1… except that it just wasn’t and couldn’t be. I desperately could have used some lessons in grace, not being so hyper-focused and asking for help even when it felt like the most uncomfortable thing in the world! But alas…we often learn our life lessons by going through the weeds.
When my 2nd daughter turned 1, I found myself with a bad diastasis recti (abdominal separation) from babywearing her FAR TOO MUCH with poor body mechanics and awareness, feeling exhausted all the time, and completely in survival mode with no end in sight. I knew something had to shift but I didn’t even know where to begin nor could I contract my abs normally for the life of me.
It kind of freaked me out… the ab thing! I was an occupational therapist and worked with clients everyday helping them repair and restore their bodies after major traumas and now I couldn’t even restore my body after an uneventful natural birth?
It was mind boggling and definitely not great for my confidence. So despite so many other things not going great either, I got hyper-fixated on fixing my body… Can you relate?
When so many things feel out of control in life, it is only natural to fixate on the one you feel you have the most control over! For me that was my body!
Let’s Fast Forward a Bit…
I decided to dive head first into women’s health… because I wasn’t getting any great solutions from my doctor or even my physical therapist. I decided I’d rather do it myself and then help others. So I took ALL the courses on pelvic health in pregnancy and postpartum and I became my own guinea pig.
Here is what I ended up learning to sum it up all in a few phrases…
A Restored body is one where you have gone from clueless about what will actually move the needle toward your physical goals to one where you can feel, connect, shift and align over and over and over and the needle is moving.
Feel, means truly listening and receiving what your body is telling you without judgment…
Connect, means having a basic understanding of what the signals you’re feeling mean so you can…shift
Shift, means making little changes to how you move and using your body in a way that results in feeling better…
Align, means knowing where and consistently returning to where your body should be…
So how does my story relate to you?
Every client in Soul-Aligned Motherhood works through Restore. This is because when you feel better in your body, everything shifts! And it is usually the jumping off point to the rest of the RISE model!
I know that what you need most is probably not what I needed but I use my depth of gained knowledge from moving through this process myself and professionally with countless clients and support you in finding your path to being Restored!
This is also why I have included in Soul-Aligned Motherhood 2 virtual pelvic floor therapy sessions and a virtual platform filled with Restore focused tutorials, in addition to the 10 coaching sessions central to the program!
It takes time and consistency but with the in depth, personalized support you receive in Soul-Aligned Motherhood, you can get there!
PS: If you are interested in learning more about Soul-Aligned Motherhood, please reach out anytime. It is a private coaching container with rolling enrollment, so I welcome new clients all the time! You can find all the details HERE!