Over the last 5 years I have become quite an avid journaler. It has been my way to record experiences, sort out complex emotions or simply organize my brain and plan for things to come. I find it relaxing and clarifying.
My journaling routine began with a line a day 5-year journal- this one to be exact. If you’re new to journaling or find it challenging to stick to a consistent routine I highly recommend this journal. All you do is record a few lines a day on a 365-day journal that holds the space for 5 years of journal entries. After 5 years you have a full journal of memories. I started mine about 6 months after my first daughter was born and wrapped it up about a year ago. It will be a journal I treasure forever, filled with many memories of early motherhood.
Lately I have been looking for another journaling routine and I stumbled across a technique called 3-3-5…
3 gratitudes
3 affirmations
5 goals
What I love about this technique is that you’re acknowledging and honoring the good that is present in your life everyday- gratitude. Stating how you want to feel or what you want your energy to be – affirmation. Then your writing day after day until a goal is met is your top 5 big goals. This is my favorite part because it is so easy to drift off course with your goals but writing them each and every day keeps you accountable and more likely to take inspired action in the day toward your goals.
As the Summer approaches, what are you hoping to begin or strengthen as we move into this fun season?