Endorphin Highs Aren’t Just for Skateboarders!! Mom’s Need Them Too!


I’m learning to skateboard… more specifically “surf-skate”. Surf Skating is skateboarding on a skateboard that more closely mimics the movements done in surfing when turning and carving down the face of a wave. But I digress…

What I really want to talk about here is what an endorphin high is, how to get them without running 5 miles or learning to skateboard, and why they can be so helpful for mom’s who feel disconnected to themselves as they get caught up in the day to day of motherhood. 

What is it? 

Endorphins are neurotransmitters that help us cope with stress and pain. An endorphin high is more commonly referred to as a “runner’s high” because it typically occurs after intense exercise and is a short-duration but deeply euphoric state. The extra magical thing about endorphins, is that they attach to the opiate centers in your brain. When this happens you release dopamine. Dopamine, another neurotransmitter, is longer acting and mood and motivation boosting! So when you get a runners high, you will also get the longer lasting benefit of a dopamine high!! That’s a mood Win-Win!

How to get a runner’s high without running? According to Harvard Medical School you can get an endorphin release through any of these activities: 

-Exercise of moderate intensity

-Acupuncture (no wonder I love acupuncture so much)



-Playing music


-UV light

If that’s not a list of fun things, I’m not too sure what is!! The moral of the story that I see from this list is doing things that feel good to you will deliver endorphins to your brain. Whether that be a Zumba class, laughing with mom friends, hitting the beach, or getting hot and sweaty with your lover of choice… endorphins release when you are having fun and enjoying yourself!

Why are there HUGE benefits for moms feeling meh? 

There was a time in my motherhood journey when my days were filled with joy and a lot of struggle caring for 2 little ones and trying to start a business in the middle of a pandemic. If you had asked if I was having fun I would have said “mmmm… yeah!?”… a yes with a deep seeded question mark. With the clarity gained by time, I can now recognize that I was enjoying my days, but my days were not my own.  

Our body’s (brain included) are smart. When we are trying to convince ourselves that we are a certain way… our body’s don’t lie. I wasn’t getting many endorphin rushes in a typical day because the joy was not centered around my soul desires and passions, but rather what I believed I should be doing to deliver joy and fun to my girls. When I started seeking experiences that delivered joy, fun, laughter and excitement that I craved for myself… the endorphins started flowing. It started with returning to surfing and more recently has also been present on my journey to learn how to skateboard. These are both activities that I do purely for myself, because I want to and I find them fun, challenging, and I’m required to get out of my head and in the moment! 

The sneaky benefit behind seeking endorphin highs as a mom? On your path to seeking the happy high, you will likely stumble upon activities that fire up your soul’s passions, reconnecting yourself to YOU! This begins to shift the sole focus of your days from baby-baby-baby to baby-me-baby… and that can make all the difference in how we show up for ourselves and our family! So get out there and seek out your soul desired endorphin highs!



PS: Looking for a deeper dive into this? Check out my “RISE into Motherhood” experiential workshop HERE


About Me

Aloha! I’m Hilary.
I founded my own business to support women more effectively as a coach and doula. At Mama Wellness Weekly and HV – Holistic Health, I use my expertise to empower women on their wellness journeys. Thanks for stopping by!


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