Guest Writer, Courtney Kessler- Perspectives on my Natural Birth


2 Things I’d Do Differently for Natural Birth by guest writer Courtney Kessler, OTR/L

As a mother of two, each pregnancy and birth were a little bit different. Birthing classes were the best tool that helped me to realize the specific areas I needed to do more in-depth research. I had both natural hospital births that each had their own ups and downs and in all honesty, I wish I’d leaned harder on my husband for a home birth with our second child.  My occupational therapy background combined with my pregnancies and birth experiences lead me to my passion for helping other mothers in these beautiful seasons. I share this to say that even with medical background and birth experiences if we have a third there are 2 things I’d do differently for a natural birth. 

First, I’d start with getting my mind right, learning how to meditate and focus on manifesting the birth I desired and envisioned from the moment I got pregnant. I’d protect my energy and who I share my birth desires with, as you’ll get a lot of unnecessary “guidance”. Pregnancy mindset and meditation should focus on the mother’s psychological state, preparation, attitude, and reducing even eliminating fear and limiting beliefs around the birthing process and even the postpartum season. Research studies suggest that mindset and psychological factors can significantly impact childbirth experiences and outcomes. 

Second, choose a supportive birth team. As I knew I wanted a natural birth, but I should have spoken to my midwives sooner about the birthing choices, such as no coaching with pushing, don’t pull baby out, no aggressive rubbing on infant upon entering the world, don’t touch the placenta or cord, delayed cord clamping and so much more. The key is voicing these choices when you first meet your provider in case they don’t align with these choices. Make sure to voice them again closer to birth to ensure they know your choices and give them your birth plan, so everyone is on the same page. The goal isn’t to learn in the 3rd trimester y’all don’t have the same vision for your birth, reduce the stress so your mindset is free to focus on your birth vision.

Birth can and should be an empowering and beautiful experience. If you desire that natural and powerful moment you should start early to prepare and to protect that space and vision. Friends and family mean well but sometimes the message may not support your desire and vision, so now you can say no and establish boundaries. 

About Courtney Kessler:  

Courtney is a mother of 2, milspouse and a holistic maternal and infant wellness occupational therapist. She is passionate about helping other mothers or those in the pre-mother season to be educated, so they feel empowered and able to advocate for themselves during pregnancy, birth and beyond. Follow along on Instagram @MaternalWellnessOT_Courtney  or for educational tips join Courtney’s Facebook group- Empower Mommas.


About Me

Aloha! I’m Hilary.
I founded my own business to support women more effectively as a coach and doula. At Mama Wellness Weekly and HV – Holistic Health, I use my expertise to empower women on their wellness journeys. Thanks for stopping by!


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