If you have a kegel routine or practice, here are a few things I hope you’re already doing and if you’re not, you should be…
- Always begin by inhaling and relaxing your pelvic floor down- “smell the flowers ~ open your flower”(aka your pelvic floor)
- Always end your kegel routine on an inhale. You wouldn’t end a bicep curl at the top of the curl with the bicep contracted. If you end on a lift with your kegels, you are promoting tension of the pelvic floor. Overtime (like months and years), you could develop pain from that tension. Remember- “Smell the flowers ~ Open your flower”
- Sit or lay down, especially if you’re postpartum. Laying down is the easiest way to contract your pelvic floor because you’re not working against any additional pressure. Sitting is also great because you are supported and have some mild pressure which can help improve your ability to feel full range of motion.
- Stop doing kegels and consult a pelvic floor therapist if… you start developing pain, don’t think you are doing it right, your abs and/or butt always contract and move when you kegel or you’re just not feeling much.
In Health,
PS: Want to know more? Pelvic Health Essentials is coming back and it is going to be completely upgraded! This is the course every woman should have had with high proximity with a pelvic floor therapist. So hop on the waitlist or SAVE BIG by pre-enrolling!