Leaking of any kind is never normal for the pelvic floor or bladder. This is because one of the primary functions of the pelvic floor is elimination. Elimination is the ability to release urine, stool, and gas… WHEN DESIRED! The releasing isn’t usually the problem, it’s the control of the release that can become challenging.
For generations, women of childbearing age have been told that leaking is just part of motherhood. Well, it’s not! It’s just very common and also VERY treatable. The first step to improving leaking is understanding what drives your leak…
Is it certain movements?
Times of day?
Certain tasks?
Certain situations?
Once you have a better idea about what is driving the leak, treatment becomes more specific. This is because there are 3 types of urinary incontinence- Stress, Urge, and Mixed.
Stress incontinence is when you leak urine because of what you’re doing. Commonly- walking, running, jumping, standing up, or laughing/coughing
Urge Incontinence is when you leak on the way to going to the bathroom or have a sudden huge urge to urinate and can’t hold it long enough to make it to the toilet.
Mixed incontinence is just what it sounds like… a little stress and urge symptoms.
Incontinence is one of the most common reasons for seeking out support from a pelvic floor therapist and for a good reason… It’s REALLY effective in treating incontinence so you can get your life back and not worry about leaking anymore.
If you would like to discuss your symptoms with me and see if virtual pelvic floor therapy could be a good fit for you, CLICK HERE for a free consultation.
In Health,