It’s my Birthday!!
As I get a bit more into, dare I say it…
I find myself deeply reflective around my birthday. Instead of shopping, going for a pedicure or massage and heading out for a big celebration, today you’ll find me in the ocean surfing, meeting with a psychic medium for the first time and having a simple BBQ with my family and friends… and it will be simply delightful!
Over this past week, I’ve been reflecting on the lessons from my 40th time around the sun and here is what I have come up with. There are some big ones and I intend to devote more blog posts to many of these topics but here is the quick version, in no particular order…
Having a vision anchors you to a deeper purpose
Over the course of this year I have gone from being haphazard with my life, health and business visions to referring to them with much greater consistency. For years mentors of mine have talked about the importance of having a vision to inform your path. I would go through the motions but in the matter of days or weeks, the vision would drift out of my mind. This year, something has shifted and I am understanding on a deeper level the value of a vision in various areas of your life. With this gained clarity and commitment to achieving what I want, I’m excited to see what unfolds over my next path around the sun!
Getting distracted by shiny objects happens but boundaries can help
In early 2023, I started a side-gig to my business creating content for other people and brands (known at UGC). It was fun, easy and highly lucrative without much effort. Needless to say when something is so easy and reaps quick financial gain, it starts to get your attention. I am deeply grateful for all that being a UGC creator has given me, yet it was over the course of this year that I have also realized that UGC creation simply doesn’t align with my goals and sometimes even my values. I continue to accept and work at a UGC creator but placing clear boundaries around the type of work I accept has brought me back to my heart’s work- HV-Holistic Health!
The Power of Nature for Nervous System Regulation
This is the year I have unapologetically put running/jogging to the side and embraced walking! Unplugged (aka no phone) walks are the best and my nervous system literally craves them. It is on these unplugged walks that I truly clear my mind or have the best ideas and downloads. I have even started carrying a small pencil and notecard with me so when an unforgettable idea comes up, I can jot it down without fear of it escaping my memory upon arriving home. This time enjoying nature and my own presence is priceless and I always return home uplifted, energized, inspired and/or relaxed.
I’m unapologetically multi-passionate!
I will never be able to anchor down and do the same thing forever and that is the truest expression of myself. My business, like me and my life is always evolving, shifting and changing and it is through that evolution that I am able to show up as the best version of myself and live authentically.
Island fever exists…
I have caught a heavy case of it! I have lived on Oahu for over 17 years and only mildly experienced island fever. For those unfamiliar with island fever, it is best described as an intense internal drive to expand and explore beyond the boundaries of the landmass you’re living on. I deeply desire long drives, varied terrain, to meet new people, experience new cultures and explore more of island earth…
Every Woman should be Cycle Syncing
Cycle syncing is a path toward greater sense of alignment and balance for all women who are menstruating and living in our masculine patriarchal designed society. Cycle syncing is a term to describe the linking of your menstrual cycle phases to your diet, exercise, and even choice of activity. It is the embracing of your feminine nature to bring your system into balance so you can feel better physically, emotionally and energetically each and every day! I will share more about my journey into the world of cycle syncing really soon!
I Choose to Live in My Truth- No More People Pleasing!
I have come to understand my people pleasing tendencies on a whole new level this year. A fresh perspective this has afforded me is that I no longer expect or even desire everyone to understand and agree with my life choices. If and when I do seek others approval, I am holding myself back from living my truth and the earthly experience my soul came here for. So my message to you is to follow your heart even when people around you scream that it makes no sense.
Cheers to 40 Rotations and Blessings for Many More!
PS- If you’re interested in learning more about any of these topics please drop me a note and tell me what one! I love getting your messages and read every single one! Hilary@hv-holistichealth.com