Morning Movement


The other morning, I woke up so groggy from a poor night’s sleep, where somehow my whole family of 4 ended up in the same bed. Getting my girls going and out the door was a foggy struggle to say the least. But, I kept telling myself… go for a peaceful walk once they’re off to school and your whole day will be better. 

And you know what, it really was!  

Anchoring to a simple morning movement routine can really begin to shift things, especially if you are struggling to get in enough exercise. 

I’ve ebbed and flowed in and out of morning movement routines and they are always changing but it has been an anchor in my day for the last 4+ years. Here is why I think it has worked so well and why you should give it a go:

-A commitment to gentle, purposeful movement without judgment is a much needed practice in self-compassion and love

-Progress over perfection. It’s not about 100%, it’s about showing up for yourself, even on those tough days. And sure, I miss days, I change up what I do, some days it’s feels really hard, some days it’s the highlight of my day, but no matter what I keep coming back without judgment

-Mixing it up keeps it fresh and new. I vary from a very regimented routine like the one linked below to sun salutations, Qi Gong, dancing to music, lifting some dumbbells to going for a short walk. It’s whatever feels right for my body, energy, mind and soul that morning  

-It’s not what I do that matters, it’s showing up for myself and my body with consistency

If you want some inspiration to get going here are 2 examples:

-This one is more flowy CLICK HERE

-This one is more focused CLICK HERE



PS… Feeling like you need a self-care overhaul? 

Check out “Elevated Motherhood” HERE

It’s my workbook designed to help you shift your perspectives on self-care so you can get the mother out of your precious mama-time!


About Me

Aloha! I’m Hilary.
I founded my own business to support women more effectively as a coach and doula. At Mama Wellness Weekly and HV – Holistic Health, I use my expertise to empower women on their wellness journeys. Thanks for stopping by!


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