I’ve had several long drives while on our month-long journey and here is a list of my 10 biggest lessons from my 30’s.
- My voice matters- What I have to say is important and valuable no matter what anyone might say. As I enter my 40s my fears and anxieties about what others might say or think are quickly vanishing and it feels very liberating!
- My body can do incredible things- I’ve always loved my body for its strength but now I love my body for so much more than its aesthetic and strength. It creates, it glows, it transforms and no matter its form it is beautiful.
- Minimalist living is amazing but it’s not simple- I’ve been on an 8 year journey of minimalism and it has been an ongoing challenge especially with the addition of children but it has also been a rewarding journey that has shown me how little we truly need and nothing material in this world (beyond a few basics) actually contributes to our quality of life one bit… We are just fooled into believing that material items bring joy.
- Relationships evolve and that’s ok- In my 20s a dear friend said to me “there are friends for life and friends for seasons” I never quite understood this until the last 10 years where I saw my relationships shift and change dramatically. I feel blessed by the many new and renewed relationships, honored and grateful for the relationships that have gone by the wayside and excited for the relationships yet to come!
- Boundaries protect you- This is a growing concept for me that 10 years ago I would have scoffed at, but now plays a critical role in my mental health and ability to remain in my place of joy and happiness. If you have a problem with that you can talk to my therapist 😉
- Meditation is here to stay- I began meditating at 37 and intend to continue until 107. It’s life changing and everyone should find their form of meditation. If you haven’t found your meditation rhythm don’t give up, you will and you’ll never look back!
- Our children are our biggest teachers- I truly believe our children choose us because they will become our biggest life teachers and guides. Becoming a mother has been the most awe inspiring, heart warming, and growth building experience. I have been blessed with 2 of the most dynamically different children who teach me lessons about how to be a better parent and human on a regular basis.
- I picked a good man- The last 10 years have been a rollercoaster in marriage but what I keep returning to is that we have a deeply trusting and respectful relationship. We are each other’s biggest challengers, teachers and supporters all wrapped up in one crazy beautiful and complex package! Our relationship grows stronger everyday as we navigate this crazy time of life as parents!
- I came into my 30s seeking intensity, I’m entering my 40s seeking consistency- Intensity is for the young, consistency if for a lifetime. I don’t do much of anything with too much intensity anymore but I am very consistent and that seems to be paying off!
- I am getting to know and embody my true self and I f-ing love it!- I feel more connected to my true self than I have since childhood. The real HIlary is coming out and she is pretty darn goofy, fun loving, tree hugging and passionate about helping others find their groove once again.