We dive into homeschool 6 weeks ago and it is going better than I expected. At the same time, I have learned and am still learning some really big lessons about homeschooling.
So here goes…
- My girls love it more than I expected
I was quite worried about the transition from “mom” to “mom” and “teacher”. I started this past summer doing more with my girls in terms of supporting them with reading, so we wouldn’t be going from nothing to everything. I think that was really a good strategy and allowed us to ease in more gently. But despite this I am so surprised how easily the girls have transitioned. They continue to tell me over and over that they are loving homeschool. My youngest keeps saying that she is learning much more than she did at school. While my oldest is telling me that she is learning things more easily than she did in school. Hearing this from my girls is the best thing that could possibly come out of this transition.
2. You don’t have to do the same curriculum with all your kids
I struggled with this decision for months. It felt easier to do the same curriculum, but I have one child who is advanced and one who has an IEP and needs more support. So if we did the same curriculum, both girls would be using the same curriculum. I worried this would negatively impact my oldest confidence and their relationship. On the other hand, it felt so much easier to simply do the same curriculum.
Ultimately I decided to use different English language arts curriculums and it was 100% the right decision. Yes, I have to teach 2 different lessons everyday, but I actually enjoy the 1:1 time. My daughter who is more advanced is doing the curriculum I had been eying for months and loving it. While my daughter, who needs a more specific way of learning to read, is now excelling in an Orton-Gillingham based curriculum. This is why homeschooling can be so fantastic, you get to choose what is best for your specific child based on their needs… not a classroom of 25!
3. Leave your traditional classroom standards at the door
Homeschool requires leaving your idea of education based on a public school system, classroom based system at the door. Don’t draw parallels, it will only hinder your enjoyment and ability to successfully homeschool. I have a 1:1 and sometimes 2:1 ratio, it’s completely different and way more efficient. I am astounded by the progress my girls have made in such little time and how much less stress it has been. We spend time on things that are challenging, but without the pressure. We can also spend more time on the things they enjoy, instead of zooming onto the next thing. My girls are showing so much more love for learning than I ever saw before.
4. Learn to follow their lead yet also have structure
This is an extension of the last one but it bears looking at in a different way. I allow my girls to lead when they show interest… savoring the experience and fostering a love of learning especially when they don’t even realize their learning… it just becomes play. It’s magical!!
At the same time, I’m no unschooler, I need some degree of structure! For one, I have come to learn that we need to begin our day’s lessons before noon or it won’t go as smoothly and will definitely take longer. Allowing them to lead within a framework of structure is where I believe children thrive. They need some structure or chaos can quickly erupt, but not so much that it zaps their creativity, joy and wonder.
5. I do worry about socialization still
We have been in a challenging situation- in a new city but temporarily here. We don’t have a community of homeschoolers. We don’t have extra curricular activities right now. So, yes, I am currently a bit worried about socialization. To quell some of my worries I have sought out experiences offered in our current community to homeschoolers and have been pleasantly surprised! We went for a beautiful child-led nature walk with Forest Families of Chattanooga then we also took a fantastic exercise class all together at a local gym run by a fellow homeschooling mama! Opportunities are out there and I will continue to actively seek them out. In the meantime, I’m holding out faith that the socialization component will continue to take form.
Have you embarked on your own homeschooling journey? I’d love to connect and hear about your early lessons!
In Health,
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