Let’s explore the second element of my R.I.S.E model- Ignite!
It wasn’t until I got re-inspired myself that my mind started clearing and I began to unearth my creativity, passions and feel lit up for reasons beyond being a mother once again.
Without finding this spark, I wouldn’t be where I am today. It is for this reason, Ignite is an absolutely essential element of the R.I.S.E model!
One day you’re surfing, hiking, painting, writing or doing whatever it is that lights you up…
The next you’re pregnant and become a little or a lot less able to do that thing or wondering how you will continue after the baby arrives…
Then the baby arrives and that thing that you loved so much, seems less big in your life because now the center of your attention is this living breathing soul right in front of you…
Your days quickly begin to revolve around this little human’s needs…
All of the sudden, you are years into motherhood and that thing that used to light you up feels distant, impossible, challenging, too much or just plain old dusty!
Have you felt this way about an old pre-baby passion of yours?
For me it was surfing. My husband and I pretty much lived and breathed surfing for the entirety of our relationship. It was our thing… Then one day it became his thing. My thing became being a mom and being hyper-focused on all that modern day mom stuff. I still went in the ocean from time to time, but it lacked the allure it once had.
Then nearly 5 years into my motherhood journey, in a moment of divine clarity, I saw a bright pink longboard on Facebook marketplace and without thinking much about it picked it up. The next day I was out on the ocean once again with a fresh spirit and hope around surfing that had gone dormant for years! I was actually catching waves and HAVING THE TIME OF MY LIFE too! Laughing in a way I hadn’t since becoming a mom!
In that moment this dusty, bygone passion of mine, came roaring back. I started to wonder why I let my worries, excuses, and rationalization get in the way of me doing something I LOVE so much. And I felt myself take a big step forward toward returning to myself, toward becoming more soul-aligned.
Now I recognize that the big footprint of motherhood clouds much of what we feel and yearn for in our soul. It keeps us safe, in that nurturing space, but at the same time when we are too deep, it can prevent us from connecting with OURSELVES! We begin to lose connection to our true selves!
Soul-Aligned Motherhood and Ignite of the R.I.S.E model is all about finding that fire in your soul and lighting it once again! What this looks like is different for all of us, but when we find it, we feel it…
This is the Igniting of your Soul!!
I’ve seen it unfold for my clients. When they find that connection back to themselves again. It is a beautiful moment and within the capacity of all of us to get there.
If what I am describing here feels like an experience you long for… Soul-Aligned Motherhood is the timeline collapsing path to getting there!
When you enroll in Soul-Aligned Motherhood, you are taking a massive step toward finding your true self and what lights up your beautiful soul once again! Every mother deserves to feel lit up by her own passions… wouldn’t you agree?
Light that fire once again… JOIN Soul-Aligned Motherhood!
PS: If you are interested in learning more about Soul-Aligned Motherhood, please reach out anytime. It is a private coaching container with rolling enrollment, so I welcome new clients all the time! You can find all the details HERE!