Ugh…sacroiliac pain!! IYKYK!!
If you’re not sure what I’m talking about… sacroiliac pain is pain in your VERY low back right where your pelvis attaches to your sacrum (spine). This is known as the SI joint and it is a joint directly impacted by the hormone relaxin during pregnancy, however it is also a common pain point in both men and women of all ages… Like me!!
Over the beautiful Memorial Day weekend, my SI went out and it was kind of brutal… I’m not gonna lie! So I have compiled a list of easy to do holistic based remedies for easing SI pain and improving the subsequent muscle tightness while you wait for an appointment with your favorite body worker.
- Heat- I find heat to be soooo much more helpful for easing muscle pain than ice. The heat relaxes and soothes the ache while also helping promote fresh blood supply to the area which is fabulous for inflammation and healing. You can apply heat in so many ways… electric heat pad, hot showers or even your friend’s hot tub!
- Rolling properly in bed- Rolling over in bed can be particularly excruciating!! I was reminded of my 2nd pregnancy days and recalled the unique technique for rolling in bed that works the best. Basically it’s a one leg at a time approach… WATCH HERE – use the following leg (not the leading leg) to lift and adjust hips.
- Massaging my butt with a “pinky” ball- I always keep a pinky ball on hand because it is soft enough to trigger point release really sore areas but firm enough to be effective. With SI pain, your glutes are likely to get really knotted and tight, so roll them out 2-4x/day. CLICK HERE to get your own pinky balls
- TENS unit (“Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation”)- This is a very safe, very easy to use device that absolutely helps to reduce pain, muscle tension and improve your symptoms. It is also completely safe to use during pregnancy and even labor (not on your belly though). The trick with placing the electrodes is to “X out the pain”. This means surround the highest pain location with the electrodes rather than placing them over the pain. Once the electrodes are placed on, simply find the type of sensation and intensity that feels good. A good rule of thumb for intensity is to set it just below where you can tolerate, so intense but not painful. CLICK HERE to see the TENS unit I use.
- Doterra Deep Blue- This is the natural mamas version of BioFreeze or Bengay. It literally works miracles and is a must have for all household. I love the stick version and so does my husband. It is so soothing to sore muscles and painful areas and safe for the whole family to use… although children may be a bit sensitive so use your discretion! CLICK HERE and search “Deep Blue Stick” for 25% off.
BONUS: Makeshift SI belt with a yoga strap!
This was an absolute game changer for me this morning as I prepared breakfast and lunches for school. Sometimes you just don’t have time for the other things and need to get moving! Strapping your hips like this brings the SI joint together and reduces pain. You can use anything from a scarf or yoga strap to a legit SI belt like the Serola. CLICK HERE for my video how to. CLICK HERE for the Serola belt.
I hope you find a few of these ideas helpful to easing your SI pain! If you would like further guidance on how to reduce and even improve sacroiliac pain in pregnancy or postpartum through private 1:1 pelvic floor therapy (virtual or in person) please reach out to me for a free consult call by CLICKING HERE!
In Health,