Soul-Aligned Motherhood is OPEN!


I want to take a few moments and share something with you that I am so excited to have finally birthed into this world… no it’s not another baby, but it is a program. A program I have mulled over for quite some time. In fact, I think this IS the program I had the yearning for back when I began my journey in women’s health over 4 years ago. 

This past June I wrapped up the Beta launch and it went amazingly! I learned a ton and am bringing what I learned into this first full launch! It is an even better version than I could have ever dreamed of just a few short months ago. The mom’s who participated amazed me and what they had to say was nothing short of inspiring…

One mama in the program put her experience into the most eloquent of words…

She said…

“Have you ever felt like you were a little version of you, inside your own body, watching life go by? Have you ever felt like you have so much to do and so much that you WANT to do, but you feel overwhelmed, unorganized, or stuck? Have you ever felt knocked off the path you have set for your life & are wondering how to get back on course?

I have felt and experienced very similar thoughts and behaviors. It was hard, and even though I knew where I wanted to be in life and how I wanted to feel, I just didn’t know how to achieve those things.

Through the coaching and work I have done with Hilary, I have never been more clear, more focused, more aligned, and more in tune with my mind, body, soul & goals. I still have more work to do, but I am no longer stuck and confused or overwhelmed. I use to feel heavy, gloomy, and unbalanced, and overwhelmed but now I feel more clear, lighter, brighter, and more solid in life.

She was always within me, but having Hilary’s guidance and knowledge aided in bringing out the women I have always known I could be and wanted to be. “

I’m not sure I could say it better myself … so instead I’m gonna tell you that it’s called Soul-Aligned Motherhood!!!

It’s a 3-month private coaching container for moms at any phase of motherhood- you could be 3 months postpartum or sending your last kid off to college, it doesn’t matter! Because while this is a program for moms, it’s not about being a better mother or improving your parenting through some specific technique… you are already exactly what your children need you to be! 

Soul-Aligned Motherhood is about reconnecting and staying connected to YOURSELF… re-igniting the passions inside you, re-aligning yourself with your life goals and dreams you have for yourself, your motherhood and your life!! 

Motherhood has a way of making those things fuzzy and sidetracking us! Soul-Aligned Motherhood is about finding the confident, bold, creative, passionate, driven woman that I know you are, once again. 

The most magical part of this is that when you get on, what I call a soul-aligned path once again, you begin showing up better for everyone around you. This isn’t a program about getting more self care or any gimmicky organization-scheduling strategies. This is about setting the dream vision for your life from where you are now, identifying specific goals and taking inspired action every step of the way to get there. 

Soul-ALigned Motherhood doors are open NOW and until August 10 you can get in for $1000 off!! 

CLICK HERE for all the details or to enroll!! 

Got questions? Email

If you are feeling stuck in a motherhood rut and disconnected from your true self… this is the program for you! 

Soul-Aligned Motherhood

You deserve this!




About Me

Aloha! I’m Hilary.
I founded my own business to support women more effectively as a coach and doula. At Mama Wellness Weekly and HV – Holistic Health, I use my expertise to empower women on their wellness journeys. Thanks for stopping by!


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