The other day I was on a walk, when I saw a pregnant woman walking toward me. What instantly stood out to me was how her hips were not moving with her body. It was as if they were frozen in place. Her legs, of course, were moving, but that beautiful feminine hip sway was absent.
Now, I of course know nothing about this woman’s physical status other than her being pregnant. However, I do know that the more mobility and natural, multi-dimensional movement in the hips throughout pregnancy significantly influences the ease at which baby can navigate the birth canal, as well as, reducing the risk of pelvic floor dysfunction in postpartum.
Wondering what hips look like as you’re walking? The best way to see what is really happening when you’re walking is to take a video of yourself. Ideally, you would watch your walk from the front and the back. To an untrained eye it can be a bit tricky to know what is actually happening, but take your best guess. Does it look like your hips are moving a lot, a little or not at all?
If they look a bit stiff or locked up, try these…
#1- Hip circles, figure 8s with your hips, hula hooping, dancing, twerking, birth ball bouncing… any fun, feel good hip movement
#2- Cat/Cow Hips- I did this EVERYDAY with both of my pregnancies. It’s simply untucking and tucking your hips (or tail bone). Link your breath for added benefit.
Cow = untuck your tail and inhale
Cat = tuck your tail between your legs and exhale
#3- Hip twist- WATCH HERE , this one is tricky and requires visual instruction but can truly improve hip mobility and pelvic floor function when done 2-3x/week!
Still unsure?
I invite you to send me your video and I’ll share my thoughts with you to get your started in the right direction. Send it HERE
In Health,
PS… PELVIC HEALTH ESSENTIALS 2.0 is coming! PHE was the course that started my online pelvic health business back in 2021 and it is getting a GIANT makeover! Hop over HERE for all the details and to PRE-ENROLL to SAVE BIG!
One comment
Thank you for sharing this insightful article! I found the information really useful and thought-provoking. Your writing style is engaging, and it made the topic much easier to understand. Looking forward to reading more of your posts!