There’s 100s of things I wish I had been told but if I had to pick just 1 it is this…
Becoming a mother isn’t an overnight thing… except in the physical form.
Yes, one day you don’t have a baby and the next you do… so you are a mother…
But I wish I was told that
I vividly recall when I was 6-months postpartum seeing a friend at the beach with her newborn and practically boasting about how motherhood is so wonderful, how I felt so prepared, and how everything was going so “easily” in motherhood.
I reflect on that conversation now and I laugh to myself at the naivety…
Don’t get me wrong, mother’s at any stage can offer fabulous advice and support to other mothers and I wholeheartedly support ALL mothers supporting each other in whatever way we can…
However, what seemed to be missing in the advice I received was the evolution of self within motherhood. It takes years to feel you know yourself deeply once again.
Nearly everything that was in your life vision gets radically stripped away…
It’s simply a matter of resources. When your job is to keep little humans alive, your spiritual, energetic, social, environmental and even physical, mental and emotional needs get set aside at a moment’s notice for the well-being of your child(ren). It’s wired into us.
To return to yourself- mind, body, soul- you need to fight for it, stand up for it, and consistently return to your needs over and over. It’s as if that muscle gets weak through the first couple years of motherhood and we need to work it out to get to a place of knowing ourselves once again!
This is the journey I have been on over the last few years and it’s been a windy road, but I have definitely learned a lot.
🌺I’m going to be sharing more and more stories from this journey over the next few weeks, because I think my story isn’t as unusual as I once thought and it can probably help other mothers as well. So, if you’re interested in returning to yourself and becoming a soul-aligned mama…
I invite you to a free experiential event I’m hosting…
RISE with Motherhood: An Immersive Workshop for Embracing Your Soul-Aligned Motherhood
Thursday July 25, 2024 @9am HST / 12pm PST
This event marks the transition from simply moving forward step by step to embodying a whole new level of motherhood and life. It’s where you elevate yourself into the motherhood of your dreams.
CLICK HERE to reserve your seat today!