There is packing for vacation then there is packing up your entire life…
This is our third move with kids and I have certainly learned a thing or two. So I thought I would share some of the things that have helped the most with this and previous moves.
1. Don’t spring moving on your kids.
Start talking about moving as early as you can. This time around with such a big move (Hawaii to Tennessee), I started talking to my girls 6 months ago. They had tons of questions and the answers to those questions slowly reduced the inevitable anxieties when answered in a loving and kind way. The last thing I want is one of my girls having so much anxiety she is not on board with the move. In the months leading up to the move I encourage them to bring up ALL their worries, curiosities and emotions to me so we can talk through them.
2. Adopt a more minimalist style of living.
We live pretty minimally and tend not to gather too many things that we don’t actually use on a semi regular basis. Even if you’re not moving, I am a huge proponent of going through an area of your home every month to start decluttering. Even if you don’t ever move, it will go a long way in making your home a more peaceful place to live. I began decluttering in the new year, knowing this move was coming.
3- Facebook Marketplace!
4 months before our move I began listing 5-10 items a week. Anything worth over $5 got listed, but I focused my efforts on items worth more than $50. It’s a pain in the butt to list and then navigate ALL the messages but it is so worth it. When you sell on FB you will get more value for every sale compared to selling during a moving sale.
*Insider tip to sell more… try to include a video of the item. Nothing fancy but when people can see it and all the details better their more likely to buy.
4. Start packing early.
Pack up your never to part with sentimental items first. These are the things you don’t use everyday but know you will never ever part with. 2 months ago I had a corner in our bedroom stacked to the ceiling with boxes that included things like photo albums, beloved books, artwork, my bead collection, my husbands music collection, etc. Pack it and leave it.
5. Start observing what your children play with the most.
This was immensely helpful for when we finally got to deciding what toys the girls could pack and what needed to go. At the end of the day, I was a pretty big softie and allowed a lot more to go that I originally planned on. We sorted all their toys a few weeks before our move. I gave each kid a big bin and told them they could bring anything that fit inside. While supporting them in going through all their toys I kept my eye on their choices making sure the most favorite toys were making the cut and trying my best to persuade them to give/sell toys I hadn’t seen them touch in months. Then a few days before the POD arrived, I went through the bins and pulled the best of the best toys (meaning the small ones that are played with the most) and packed those in our suitcases.
**Note, every stuffy made the cut. All 100 of them!! Why? Because for some reason stuffies are not toys, they are my girl’s babies and not allowing them very possibly would result in lifelong trauma. So they were mostly vacuum bagged and a few precious ones made it on the plane. Pick your battles wisely 😉 **
6. Do a moving sale.
3 weeks out, we scoured our home for anything and everything we knew wouldn’t be going and brought it to the curb. We sold as much as we could until 1pm, then posted to “Buy Nothing” type Facebook groups that everything remaining was free. We ended up bringing 1 small car load for donation. During the moving sale it was about letting things go, not making money. This is why you need to do Facebook Marketplace early. I think the highest ticket item at our moving sale was $40 and we likely could have gotten double had it been posted to FB earlier. Just keep singing “let it go, let it go” in your mind and you will get through. It is a highly emotional day but when you focus on the big picture and remind yourself of your why, giving away an old yoga mat doesn’t seem so big anymore!
7.Divide and Conquer.
When it comes to moving, my husband and I work best if we each take specific responsibilities and focus our energies there, rather than working together on the same task. Once the pod arrived, he focused on packing it while I packed up the last boxes and got to cleaning our home top to bottom. Yes, we needed to help each other from time to time, but the annoyances that inevitably arise when packing and cleaning preferences collide were kept to a minimum. Some may view this as avoidant, I see it as knowing where the flash points are and choosing a strategy to avoid them. Yes, some wine glasses might be broken and no the drain still isn’t perfectly unclogged in our bathroom sink, but this was the most peaceful AND biggest move we have ever done and for that I am proud of us!
In Health,
PS… I LOVE hearing from you!! Did you find something in this post helpful? What would you add to this list? I’d love to hear from you! Drop me a line at Hilary@HV-holistichealth.com