This weekend my self-care needs and the activities I chose to do, fell into perfect alignment… Here’s what happened…
It’s been a year since…
I took a weekend getaway
I took a prolonged pause
I sat and was “unproductive”
I truly unplugged
And here is what I noticed…
It’s freaking hard!
It requires intentionality
It doesn’t just happen
It feels weird
My ego was not a fan
My body rhythms were more clear
Laughter flowed more easily
My playful spirit emerged more boldly
My mind slowed down
I felt like me… doing what I love… with the most important people in my life!
This was indulgent self-care and for me it’s always the type of self-care I shy away from the most. I’m always telling myself “it’s too expensive”, “It won’t be worth it”, “I don’t have time”, “I could just do xyz instead”.
And now, after a weekend of indulgent self-care, I am reminded of the Ralph Waldo Emerson quote
“Always do what you are afraid to do”
Why? Because it is on the other side of fear that the greatest joys in life live!
Getting comfortable is never a good thing and instead welcoming change with an open heart allows unending growth and potential to be present in your daily life.
When we take time to slow down, it’s not a waste of time but rather a time for soaking in all that is happening yet we barely notice. It’s time for our nervous system to reset and recharge. It’s time for getting to know yourself on a deeper level. It’s a time to be present and feel the joy that is life itself.
So this is my invitation, mama, to go do that thing that gives you tingles in your belly, feels scary and unknown or feels too deeply extravagant to consider.
You deserve it.
Curious about how you can better align your self-care needs with the perfect activities to fulfill those needs? Then you MUST check out my “Elevated Motherhood” workbook! It’s a free PDF guide for crafting your tailored self-care practice to nurture your body, mind and soul! Download HERE.
Or jump to the “Self-Care Quiz” HERE.
In Health,