Discover how working with a naturopath helped resolve severe PMS symptoms through natural supplements and hormone balancing. A real story of transformation using naturopathic medicine.
-Natural solutions for PMS symptoms
-Working with a naturopathic doctor
-Hormone balancing supplements
-Insurance coverage for naturopathic care

I’m a holistic girlie, but to be completely honest I typically navigate my natural approaches to health on my own. I have spent years reading research, making a concerted effort to stay informed of the latest research, read a lot of books on women’s health and feel relatively well informed when it comes to integrative and natural approaches to health and wellness. Yes, this is 100% part of my work with clients, but my #1 motivator is my own health and the health of my family.
All this to say… you might be surprised to know I don’t routinely work with a naturopath. This is really because I have been in very good health for years and haven’t really had a need.
My Journey with Hormonal Imbalance
But let’s rewind about a year ago… I had been consistently tracking my cycle for over a year and was starting to really apply cycle syncing into my daily life. It was pretty smooth sailing until I started to notice that I was having these extreme mood drops in my luteal phase. It was like once a month I would have 1-3 days where I was exhausted, couldn’t focus, was on edge, snapping at my family, miserable and making everyone around me miserable. This all came to a head around Easter, when while getting ready to head to a BBQ I completely lost it basically out of nowhere. Looking back, the whole scenario was absolutely ridiculous and the only thing I could put my finger on was a hormone imbalance, because at that moment I had gone completely Richter scale crazy… and what resulted was yogurt all over my kitchen… I’ll spare you the rest of the details.
First Steps with Naturopathic Medicine
In the days following, I was on one hand a bit embarrassed and on the other woke up to the fact that whatever I was doing wasn’t quite cutting it. This had gone outside my wheel house and I needed to consult with another professional. I also had been noting for months that my energy was just flatter than it had been. So I decided to make an appointment with 1 of the 3 naturopaths covered by my insurance. I figured I would start there and see where it led before investing hundreds or even thousands of dollars into a cash-based naturopath.
In late June I had my first appointment and left feeling very lackluster and kind of like I was imagining all my symptoms. During the appointment my naturopath was trying to determine a diagnosis for what I was complaining of while she was telling me that my symptoms were very vague. She told me to get some basic metabolic and hormonal labs because it had been a while and gave me the option to take a Dutch test and sent me on my way.
Natural Supplements for PMS Relief
I opted not to spend $400 on the Dutch test yet and upon returning, of course as expected, all my labs were in normal ranges. At that moment, I was prepared to have her say that I should take a multi-vitamin and go on my way. To my surprise she didn’t! She said she didn’t see any purpose for me to take the Dutch test and instead recommended I begin taking a daily B-complex vitamin and during my luteal phase to take Chaste Tree Berry 1-2pills in the AM.
I left feeling a bit more optimistic. At least she gave me something to try and had shown a belief that what I was telling her was true and it was disrupting quality of life. Unfortunately, so many times I have and my clients have left doctor appointments feeling like they were not listened to or believed. This time was different and that was a huge win!
I consistently took the B-complex every day and the Chaste Tree Berry for 2 cycles and noted some mild improvements but definitely an easing of PMS like symptoms and a slight improvement in energy.
During my next visit I was in the middle of moving, sick and on antibiotics. I got more chatty about my whole life situation and my naturopath decided I should also begin taking Cortisol Manager from Integrative Therapeutics. She explained that typically she recommends patients to take it in the evening but because I did not report disrupted sleep I should take 1-2 in the morning so it would help with my feelings of stress during the day.
Another 2 cycles passed and all the while I was taking this new regimen we moved, stayed with family for 4 weeks, jumped from AirBNB to hotels for 2 weeks and finally landed in our RV, on Christmas Eve. In the interim there was so much going on, I think my January 2024 self would have imploded and escaped to the Bahamas to live out the rest of my days in hiding. But alas… I can honestly say that I was the most clear headed, even-keeled energy, peaceful and not remotely PMS-y self I have been in years and it was divine.
Working with a Naturopath: What to Expect
It is proof that while we feel that we have all the information anyone could ever need at our finger tips, we still need the support of professionals from time to time. Naturopaths are truly the experts when it comes to supplements. I could have spent thousands just trying different things on my own with no success, but just 3 visits to a naturopath and I feel like a new human. Another enormous bonus, my visits were covered by insurance. I just paid my copay and the cost of the supplements which for a 3 month supply run less than $100.
If you have ever considered seeing a naturopath or wondered what they could do to help … GO! It will be a process and no you won’t walk away with all the answers after the first visit. Be patient, do what they suggest to the best of your ability, follow up, tell them what your experiencing and keep going back until you have achieved your own health goals.
Results and Transformation
I’m over the moon to be more or less PMS free and feel the most energy I have felt since having kids! I didn’t get here overnight though, it literally took 6 months of working with my naturopath to see the results and to be honest… my situation was pretty minor. But what I think is even more amazing, despite my symptoms being mild and not pervasively hurting my quality of life, I was listened to, believed, and provided solutions that actually worked even though by the numbers (aka labs) nothing is wrong with me. I have never had this experience with an MD and so for this reason I will always consider naturopathy a first line of support when things just start feeling off!
In Health,
PS: Looking to go from surviving to thriving in 2025? I’d love to support you and help you start down the path of soul-aligned motherhood! CLICK HERE to learn about Rise to Thrive Power Sessions, where we will work together to help you redesign your self-care, redefine what it means to be cared for and set you on your path to the motherhood of your dreams!
CLICK HERE for all the details!
If you are interested in receiving the wonderful care I did you can contact Dr Catherine Ako, ND at Oahu Natural Care Clinic HERE
To see my entire supplement product line up CLICK HERE