Category Mental/Emotional Health

Yoni Steaming 101

Yoni steaming, otherwise known as vaginal steaming, is an ancient practice used in cultures including Korea, China, Ayurveda (India) and even the Ancient Mayans. It has been used for treatment of infertility, irregular periods, menstrual pain, PMS, endometriosis, hemorrhoids, hormone…

Stress in Pregnancy

  We have all heard that being calm and having a peaceful pregnancy is the best thing for your growing baby. I remember my husband saying his number one goal during my pregnancies was to keep me as stress free…

Inhale and Smell the Flowers

  If you have a kegel routine or practice, here are a few things I hope you’re already doing and if you’re not, you should be… Always begin by inhaling and relaxing your pelvic floor down- “smell the flowers ~…

Morning Non-Negotiables

  I think every mom needs a few non-negotiables when it comes to your morning routine. I’m not much of a morning person anymore… I seemed to have become a night owl. Despite this, how you begin the day DOES…

Postpartum Loss of Self

  Postpartum is a dynamic time full of transitions, newness, and big emotions. On one hand it seems to drag on forever then on the other hand it’s moving at the speed of light. This is the experience I hear…