Category Physical Health

Feeling Dry?

  If you are breastfeeding… your estrogen is close to that of a menopausal woman’s. Estrogen is the hormone that provides lubrication to your entire system. So if you find yourself feeling dry all over, especially down there, it’s likely…

How About a Movement Snack?

  A movement snack is a concept I first heard from Lauren Ohayon, the founder of Restore Your Core. Surprise, surprise… It has nothing to do with eating but rather moving.   Many moms find it challenging to find time for…

Muscle & Belly Tension in Pregnancy

  Every couple months I get a pregnant mama coming through my door that has tension throughout her body and belly. Usually she isn’t entirely aware of this tension and from what I have seen there isn’t one cause to…

Easy Pregnancy Posture Check

  Pregnancy pulls us forward posturally… this leads to all sorts of common compensations that result in a cascade of events that can lead to more discomfort during pregnancy and less than optimal positioning of the baby.  But here is…

Preparing for Birth

  You find out you are pregnant and some time later the thought comes to mind… “how the heck am I supposed to prepare for birth?”… right?  So you ask Google and your doctor…and rapidly achieve overwhelm with the vast…