Hilary V

Hilary V

What is “Normal” Bladder Function?

  Chances are you have working knowledge about the normal functioning of your heart, lungs, eyes, nose, ears, teeth, etc. You may even have a good ability to recognize common symptoms that could be a reason to seek medical attention…

Leaks… Super Common, Never Normal

  Leaking of any kind is never normal for the pelvic floor or bladder. This is because one of the primary functions of the pelvic floor is elimination. Elimination is the ability to release urine, stool, and gas… WHEN DESIRED!…

The Sneaky Incontinence

Bladder leaks are a common topic in postpartum but not so much in younger women. Which is unfortunate because many bladder related issues, while more common after pregnancy, often occur in people who have never had a baby.  I was…

Inhale and Smell the Flowers

  If you have a kegel routine or practice, here are a few things I hope you’re already doing and if you’re not, you should be… Always begin by inhaling and relaxing your pelvic floor down- “smell the flowers ~…

Morning Movement

The other morning, I woke up so groggy from a poor night’s sleep, where somehow my whole family of 4 ended up in the same bed. Getting my girls going and out the door was a foggy struggle to say…

Morning Non-Negotiables

  I think every mom needs a few non-negotiables when it comes to your morning routine. I’m not much of a morning person anymore… I seemed to have become a night owl. Despite this, how you begin the day DOES…

Postpartum Loss of Self

  Postpartum is a dynamic time full of transitions, newness, and big emotions. On one hand it seems to drag on forever then on the other hand it’s moving at the speed of light. This is the experience I hear…