Category Just for Fun

Soul-Aligned Motherhood is OPEN!

  I want to take a few moments and share something with you that I am so excited to have finally birthed into this world… no it’s not another baby, but it is a program. A program I have mulled…

Lessons from my 40th Trip Around the Sun

  It’s my Birthday!!  As I get a bit more into, dare I say it…  “Midlife”… I find myself deeply reflective around my birthday. Instead of shopping, going for a pedicure or massage and heading out for a big celebration,…

My 10 biggest lessons from my 30s

  I’ve had several long drives while on our month-long journey and here is a list of my 10 biggest lessons from my 30’s. My voice matters- What I have to say is important and valuable no matter what anyone…

Elevate your Motherhood with Optimized Self-Care

Unless you’re an occupational therapist, or work in healthcare or social services, self-care likely hasn’t been a term you used readily until about 2016 when self-care became VERY mainstream. Up until that point, self-care has been used primarily in the…