Hilary V

Hilary V

Energy Boosters

  This weekend was a crazy, then lazy one… it felt like I went so hard and so fast last week in the frenzy of our move that I literally exhausted myself and laid in bed for 12 hours Friday…

Yoni Steaming 101

Yoni steaming, otherwise known as vaginal steaming, is an ancient practice used in cultures including Korea, China, Ayurveda (India) and even the Ancient Mayans. It has been used for treatment of infertility, irregular periods, menstrual pain, PMS, endometriosis, hemorrhoids, hormone…

Stress in Pregnancy

  We have all heard that being calm and having a peaceful pregnancy is the best thing for your growing baby. I remember my husband saying his number one goal during my pregnancies was to keep me as stress free…

Pubic Pain in Pregnancy

  This morning I received a message from a client in her 3rd trimester…  “I’ve been getting a lot of discomfort in the pubic symphysis area especially when I sit for too long. I’ve been trying to be better about…