Hilary V

Hilary V

My 10 biggest lessons from my 30s

  I’ve had several long drives while on our month-long journey and here is a list of my 10 biggest lessons from my 30’s. My voice matters- What I have to say is important and valuable no matter what anyone…

Stress & Your Pelvic Floor

  I think it’s safe to say, we all have stress, sometimes it’s overwhelming and sometimes it feels as if it has almost floated away- even if for a small fleeting moment.  Chances are you have your go to coping…

Do Your Journal

Over the last 5 years I have become quite an avid journaler. It has been my way to record experiences, sort out complex emotions or simply organize my brain and plan for things to come. I find it relaxing and…

Sensational Sensation

Using your sensations to navigate labor is one of the easiest ways to prepare for labor but is often overlooked entirely or left until the last minute. Let this be your guide toward delving more deeply into using your personal…

Elevate your Motherhood with Optimized Self-Care

Unless you’re an occupational therapist, or work in healthcare or social services, self-care likely hasn’t been a term you used readily until about 2016 when self-care became VERY mainstream. Up until that point, self-care has been used primarily in the…

Baby Wearing Don’ts

I highly recommend baby wearing!! It is a beautiful way to bond with your baby, help her stay regulated, and allows you 2 hands to still feel like a semi-productive human. No wonder women have been wearing their babies since…